
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Interview with Keith Hall part 1

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Goderich Ontario

What interests you?
I like to cruise around, play video games, listen to music and hangout with friends.

What did you enjoy as a child?
When i was a kid, i used to do everything there was to do in Goderich, which isn't much. I walked around Goderich, and got into trouble with my friends.

What were your group of friends like?
I fit in with most the social groups at my public school, so I pretty much hung out with everyone.

What influences did your friends have on you in public school?
I was more of a bad influence on them, then they were on me. I wanted to try drugs, illegal s**t. Not many kids in my group of friends wanted to do that, which led me to a new group of friends in grade eight.