
Monday, October 11, 2010

Gimp Assignment #6

High Definition Movie Poster

Assignment #5

Old Photo Effect:

Soft Glow Effect:

Ripple & Emboss Effects:

Original Photo:

Photo Manipulation

Gimp Assignment #4

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gimp Assignment #3

Movie Poster!

The title of my poster stands out clearly, because of the bold red lettering, with the black outline.
The zombie's head, and the title both lay on the second line of thirds.
The date is very clear at the bottom, because of the bold black lettering
The catch fraise also stands out well because of the red lettering
At the top it says "From The Director of Transpoitting and The Beach", what are known movies and makes this one more appealing.

Gimp Assignment #2

Gimp Assignment #1

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

About Me

I'm Erica Wain .

Things I love:

Family, Friends, Music, Xbox, Playing Guitar, Jackie Chan, Travelling, China, Ideas, Trends, Indiana Jones, Archie Comics, Video Games, Parties, Life.

"It's better to burn out than to fade away"- Neil Young